Sands make smart machines with 65-inch touch screen and facial recognition

Sands make smart machines with 65-inch touch screen and facial recognition 

Machines are often sold appear in various kinds of drinks do not change from year to year. Despite advances in technology have advanced, not with form and function of an automaton.

This is what you want to change from a company called sands. In collaboration with Okaya Electronics and Intel tried to sand to a machine that has a different opinion, and thus offer a high-tech.

Machinery will be three companies is enriched with a touch screen of 65 inches. Transparent touch screen can be used to mendisplaykan for products, play a video, at speeds up to the impact of advertising.

As already mentioned, try sanding to a high-tech machines to create. It is not only a touch-screen machines with. The company also added a camera and facial recognition technology in vending machines.

With face detection technology for anynomous, the tool can recognize visitors in front of him. In addition, the tool detects the sex and age of visitors. From these data, vending machines with beverages that make the person. For example, if a child, while vending machines offer a soda.

See further information can also machines the buyer. The screen can contain information about the composition of the type of foods and beverages can be purchased by consumers.

But wait until the tool seems to have in public places, waiting long enough. Currently vending machines is still a prototype. So just wait until the tool is started.

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